Staying on top of maintenance, responding to Check Engine lights, compliance with regulations, and good recordkeeping are crucial to preventing breakdowns, improving uptime, avoiding violations, and saving money.
Improve uptime. Streamline maintenance. Get ELD compliant.
Now with the FMCSA’s ELD mandate in full effect, another level of complexity is impacting hundreds of thousands of business owners. Without the right tools, it could make your job that much more difficult.
NexTraq® is ready to help with the automated scheduling tools, hours of service (HOS), records of duty status (RODS), driver-vehicle inspection report (DVIR), engine diagnostic alerts and maintenance logs you need to help keep your vehicles performing at their best.
If you had NexTraq, you’d get notified when it was time for oil changes, tire checks, lubrication—even when a Check Engine light came on.
With a comprehensive, easy-to-manage maintenance dashboard, service reminders, alerts based on diagnostic (DTC) codes, vehicle maintenance schedules, logs, and reports, you’d have the ability to help ensure your fleet vehicles get the service they need. When maintenance or repairs were performed, you’d simply enter the event in the NexTraq® Vehicle Maintenance Module. If you needed to analyze if a vehicle was costing too much to keep, a full report would be at your fingertips.
ELD compliance is simple with NexTraq. Our primary electronic logging device solution (ELD), NexTraq ELD for tablets and smartphones, has everything you need to get up and running as quickly as possible. From great training, outstanding customer support with direct access to ELD experts, your managers and drivers will feel confident using ELDs. Plus, the NexTraq ELD app supports English, French Canadian and Spanish—just another example of our commitment to serving the expanding footprint of our customers.
Plus, a well-maintained vehicle that complies with federal and state regulations is a safer vehicle. That means improved uptime, getting more jobs, and helping to keep your employees and others on the road safer.
Let’s talk about how you can benefit with maintenance and compliance solutions from NexTraq.