What is NexTraq®?

The NexTraq® Fleet Tracking solution is a cloud-based GPS fleet management solution that is both comprehensive and easy-to-use. The NexTraq solution and its applications – Fleet Dispatch™, Fleet Metrics™ and NexTraq® Connect™ provide you with the tools you need to manage every aspect of your fleet operations.

Use our Fleet Dispatch application integrated with our Job Schedule Board to route, assign, and dispatch jobs with easy drag-and-drop functionality. Gain a high-level view of your fleet activities with our Fleet Metrics dashboard so you can set goals and benchmarks for your business. Our NexTraq Connect mobile app gives you and your employees the ability to communicate while out in the field.

What makes NexTraq® different from other fleet tracking companies?

NexTraq offers the broadest offering of hardware devices and has the most comprehensive solution in the industry. NexTraq has been in business since 2000. Operations, development, and customer support are based in the U.S. as well.

How can NexTraq® benefit my business?

GPS fleet tracking technology enables you to optimize your fleet operations by increasing your operational efficiencies and can help decrease costs such as fuel, insurance, labor, and maintenance. Moreover, with fleet tracking you can manage what goes on outside the four walls of your office.

You can improve business and increase revenue while doing your part to be more environmentally responsible. With a reduction in fuel costs, and thus consumption, you can limit the amount of emissions your fleet produces with NexTraq Idle Reports and Alerts, Start/Stop Reports and Speed Alerts.

When can I expect to see ROI on my NexTraq® purchase?

On average, our customers achieve ROI between 3 to 6 months of their NexTraq Fleet Tracking solution purchase. Some customers realize ROI well before the telematics industry average.

Another NexTraq customer states that the NexTraq solution paid for itself three times over in the first year due to reduced insurance premiums. As diverse as our customers are, their reasons for achieving ROI are equally diverse:

  • Reduced fuel costs
  • Lowered insurance premiums
  • Increased fleet productivity
  • Enhanced customer service
Does NexTraq® offer software integration?

Yes. NexTraq strives to create and maintain long-standing strategic partnerships with industry-leading software providers who offer added features and value to the NexTraq solution. Moreover, NexTraq has a robust Web Services offering – an open API platform that enables integration of your fleet data with third-party applications such as accounting, route optimization, and mobile workforce management. This allows our clients to move away from time-consuming manual processes to a completely automated solution.

What is dashcam telematics?

Dashcam telematics offered by NexTraq integrates robust AI-powered cameras and advanced technologies to help fleets across all industries prioritize driver safety, enhance visibility, and optimize operations.

How does dashcam telematics work?

Dashcam telematics pair Machine Vision and Artificial Intelligence (MV+AI) so you will receive a complete picture of what is happening on the road and inside the vehicle. AI-powered cameras provide video footage of road conditions and driver behaviors. Review this footage in the NexTraq Web Portal to coach your employees and eliminate distracted driving to protect your drivers and fleet vehicles.

Can I request the video footage?

Yes, you can request video footage based on camera, vehicle, time signature, and GPS location.

Is the dashcam video footage high quality?

The video footage provides ultra-sharp, wide-angle color video to provide a comprehensive picture of the events that occurred before, during, and after an incident. Use this footage to understand what happened, what the conditions were, and receive a view of where the incident occurred.

Are GPS locations included with the dashcam footage?

When an event occurs, you will receive a notification on the NexTraq Web Portal with the GPS location of the vehicle and where the incident took place. You will have access to downloadable HD video footage displaying exactly what happened during the incident.

Can the dashcam capture video footage when it is dark?

Yes. Each dashcam comes equipped with infrared LEDs. This enables the dashcam to record driving events in low-light or dark lighting conditions.

Does NexTraq’s dashcam telematics solution come with available driver-facing and road-facing cameras?

NexTraq’s newest dashcam telematics solution, NexTraq Fleet Defender, comes equipped with dual road-facing and driver-facing cameras to provide you with a complete picture of what is happening on the road and inside the cabin.

What type of distracted driving events trigger the in-cab alert?

Your drivers will receive in-cab audio and visual alerts covering distracted driving behaviors including smartphone use, texting while driving, eating, drinking, smoking, not wearing a seatbelt, harsh acceleration, hard braking, and speeding.

Can drivers record an event manually if needed?

Yes. With NexTraq Fleet Defender, drivers will have access to a driver upload button they can push if they need to begin recording an event. With this autonomy, they can upload videos of relevant events to the NexTraq Web Portal that may not have been downloaded automatically including incidents, being late on a shift, etc.

How can I best use the information from a dashcam telematics system?

NexTraq Fleet Defender provides you with driver safety reports showing the number of unsafe driving behaviors that occurred across your fleet. Pair this data with video footage to provide your employees with driver safety training to reduce risk.

Can I pair NexTraq Fleet Defender with my existing fleet tracking system?

Yes. NexTraq Fleet Defender can be paired with your existing NexTraq fleet tracking system. Providing certified installation and dedicated customer support, the team of professionals at NexTraq will ensure your upgrade to NexTraq Fleet Defender is fast and simple.


To learn additional information about how NexTraq Fleet Defender can help you create a safer, more streamlined fleet, contact us online or schedule a demo to see it in action today.